Ismail ibn Jafar & al-Qassim ibn Musa al-Kadhim as Imam candidates?

 (Al-Kafi, vol 1, page 315) 

It becomes evident that Imam al-Sadiq loved his son Ismail more than his son Musa al-Kadhim. And had he had a choice, he would have made Ismail the Imam after him. 

“[Rasul Allah tells Imam al-Kadhim in a ru’yah (vision)]:

If choice of Imam was based on love, then Ismail was more beloved to your father than you [O Musa ibn Jafar]. But that (your choice for Imamate) was from Allah.” 

ولو كانت الإمامة بالمحبة لكان إسماعيل أحب إلى أبيك منك ولكن ذلك من الله عز وجل.

  • Imam al-Sadiq’s sadness that Ismail had not been made Imam - as was his wish - is evident in the following hadith: 

(Al-Kafi, volume 2, page 92) 

“We have been struck by [the death] of Ismail, so we were patient. So be patient, [O Mufaddal], like we had been patient. We had wanted a matter [that Ismail become the next Imam], but Allah desired a different matter. So we had submitted our will to the will of Allah.”

16 - عنه، عن علي بن الحكم، عن يونس بن يعقوب قالأمرني أبو عبد الله (عليه السلامأن آتي المفضل وأعزيه بإسماعيل وقالاقرأالمفضل السلام (1) وقل لهإنا قد أصبنا بإسماعيل فصبرنا، فاصبر كما صبرنا، إنا أردنا أمرا وأراد الله عز وجل أمرا، فسلمنا لأمر الله عزوجل. (1) 

  • Similarly, Imam al-Kadhim had wished his son al-Qassim would have succeeded him in Imamate instead of Ali al-Ridha. 

(Al-Kafi, volume 1, page 314) 

“I [al-Kadhim] inform you O Aba Umara that I had left my house and willed [the Imamate] to my son Fulan [Ali al-Ridha]. 

I had made my sons equal in my dhahir (apparent / public will) [out of taqiyya from the Caliph]. 

And I had willed him to alone in batin (non-public) will.  

And if I were in control of al-Amr [choice of Imamate], I would have made it pass onto my son al-Qassim.”

أخبرك يا أبا عمارة أني خرجت من منزلي فأوصيت إلى ابني فلان، وأشركت معه بني في الظاهر، وأوصيته في الباطن، فأفردته وحده ولمكان الامر إلي لجعلته في القاسم ابني