Imam al-Sadiq on Banu al-Hasan
“Abi Abdilah [al-Sadiq] said:
‘I have the red book of al-Jafr.’
So Abdullah ibn Abi Ya’qub said: ‘May Allah give you health, are Banu al-Hasan aware of this?
He [the Imam] said: Yes by Allah, they know it just like they know night is night and day is day. However, they defiantly deny this [i.e, that the Imams possess al-Jafr & thus are divinely appointed] - out of envy and pursuit of dunya.”
عن أبي عبد الله جعفر الصادق أنّه قال: (وعندي الجفر الأحمر).فقال له عبد الله بن أبي يعقوب: أصلحك الله أيعرف هذابنو الحسن؟ قال: (إي والله، كما يعرفون الليل أنّه ليل، والنهار أنّه نهار، ولكنّهم يحملهم الحسد وطلب الدنيا على الجحودوالإنكار).(الكافي 1/240).