Mushrikeen Giving Refuge to Muslims


“‘Abi Jafar [al-Baqir] said: 

If a believer were in the dominion of an oppressor, and he was targetted - causing him to run to the land of Shirk

Wherein, he came across a man from the people of Shirk who gives refuge to him [i.e, to the believer], takes care of him, and shows him compassion. Thus, when he [i.e, the man from the people of Shirk] dies, Allah reveals to him: 

By my glory and majesty, if there were a place for you in my heaven - I would have made you inhabit it. However, it was forbidden on whomever does shirk of me.

However, O Fire [of Hell] - take care of him and do not harm him.

And [thus], he (the mushrik) is given his provision both ends of the Day.’

I (narrated) asked: [Provision] coming from heaven? 

He [the Imam] said: From wherever Allah wills”

92 - الكافيمحمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن محمد بن سنان، عن عبد الله بن مسكان، عن عبيد الله بن الوليدالوصافي، عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قالإن مؤمنا كان في مملكة جبار فولع به فهرب منه إلى دار الشرك فنزل برجل من أهل الشرك فأظله(1) وأرفقه وأضافه، فلما حضره الموت أوحى الله عز وجل إليهوعزتي وجلالي لو كان لك في جنتي مسكن لأسكنتك فيها، ولكنها محرمة علىمن مات بي مشركا، ولكن يا نار هيديه ولا تؤذيه، ويؤتى برزقه طرفي النهار، قلت من الجنة؟ قالمن حيث شاء الله.