Our Imams activities in Morocco
Najashi says:
“Dawud bin Al-Qasim bin Ishaq bin Abdullah bin Ja’far bin Abi Talib, Abu Hashem al-Ja’fari, may God have mercy on him:
He was of great rank among the imams upon them - peace be upon them, honorablestatus, trustworthy, his father narrated on the authority of Abi Abdullah [al-Sadiq], peace be upon him”
قال النجاشي: " داود بن القاسم بن إسحاق بن عبد الله بن جعفر بن أبي
طالب، أبو هاشم الجعفري رحمه الله: كان عظيم المنزلة عند الأئمة عليهم
السلام، شريف القدر، ثقة، روى أبوه عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام
Dawood ibn al-Qassim was a trustworthy and highly regarded companion of our Imams.
Ibn ‘Unba in ‘Umdat al-Talib tells us that Dawood had lived in Morocco during the era of Idris I and Idris II - a ruler Imam al-Ridha had praised.
One is left wondering if Dawood’s presence in Morocco was for a greater purpose: proselytization of the Imams da’wah movement.
Was he part of conversion efforts that may have led the Idrisids to inscribe Imam Ali’s name on their coins? (As discussed here)
Is his presence part of a pre-existing movement in Morocco setup by our Imams (perhaps by Imam al-Sadiq), which led to our Imams marrying Berber concubines. Such as Imam al-Sadiq’s concubine Hamida - mother of Imam al-Kadhim?
These are questions I hope will be answered some day.
Dawood in Morocco:
‘Umdat al-Talib, page 158:
“It was claimed after Idris bin Abdullah‘s death that he had no progeny.
This, however, was not the case, for Dawood ibn al-Qasim al-Jaafari, who is one of the great scholars and among those whom have knowledge of genealogy, said that he was present in the story of Idris bin Abdullah, his poisoning and the birth of Idris bin Idris. He said: I was with him in Morocco, and I did not see any braver than him or with a better face.
Imam Al-Ridha ibn Musa Al-Kadhim, peace be upon him, said: ‘Idris bin Idris bin Abdullah is one of the bravest people of the House [of Muhammad], and God has not left something like him among us.’
And Abu Hashim Dawood Ibn Al-Qasim Ibn Ishaq Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ja`far Al-Tayyar said: Idris Ibn Idris called me to himself: (reciting poem).”
ولم يعقب إدريس بن عبد الله، وليس الامر كذلك فان داود بن القاسم الجعفري وهو أحد كبار العلماء وممن له معرفة بالنسب، حكى أنه كانحاضرا قصة إدريس بن عبد الله وسمه وولادة إدريس بن إدريس. قال: وكنت معه بالمغرب فما رأيت أشجع منه ولا.
أحسن وجها، وقال الرضا بن موسى الكاظم عليه السلام: إدريس بن إدريس ابن عبد الله من شجعان أهل البيت والله ما ترك فينا مثله. وقالأبو هاشم داود ابن القاسم بن إسحاق بن عبد الله بن جعفر الطيار: أنشدني إدريس بن إدريس لنفسه:
Wa Allahu A’lam